Tag: history

  • Pliny the Elder: Ancient Pioneer of Medical Marijuana

    Pliny the Elder: Ancient Pioneer of Medical Marijuana

    It’s rare when new cannabis discoveries concern someone who died nearly 2,000 years ago, but that’s what happened, when a scientific team in Italy reported results of their study finding that the skull in a Rome museum really is that of Pliny the Elder, the immortal naturalist of the ancient Roman world.  As the New York…

  • Presidents’ Day: (In)hale to the Chiefs

    Presidents’ Day: (In)hale to the Chiefs

    Being the leader of the free world is a tough job. Perhaps that’s why we know that at least a handful of former US presidents have consumed cannabis. Be it before, after, or during their White House tenures, there does indeed exist a track record of commanders-in-chief partaking or otherwise advocating for aspects of cannabis…