Tag: Advice

  • What are Psilocybin and Psilocin?

    What are Psilocybin and Psilocin?

    Psilocybin and psilocin are psychoactive compounds found in various species of mushrooms commonly known as magic mushrooms. Both compounds are responsible for the psychedelic effects produced by hallucinogenic mushrooms. We will tell you everything about both substances in this article. What is Psilocin? Psilocin (4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) is an alkaloid derived from psilocybin present in most psilocybin…

  • Cannabis pests : learn how to fight them

    Cannabis pests : learn how to fight them

    Fighting cannabis pests is crucial to ensure a healthy and productive cultivation. Pests can ruin the plants, decreasing both the quality and quantity of your harvest. In this article, you will find effective tips and techniques to prevent and control these threats, using natural products and proper care methods. Let’s tell you everything below. Why…

  • How to make high-quality Ice O lator?

    How to make high-quality Ice O lator?

    Ice-o-lator is a popular cannabis resin extraction technique, known for producing high-quality hash. It involves using ice and water to separate the trichomes from the plant, resulting in a pure and potent concentrate. Learning how to make ice-o-lator not only enhances your skills in making quality hash or CBD hash, but also allows you to…

  • Textures and tools for vacuum purge BHO

    Textures and tools for vacuum purge BHO

    In recent years, marijuana extractions have gained relevance. This process, which until now could only be done in a rudimentary way, can now be achieved more safely and with the highest quality, thanks to numerous research efforts. Vacuum purging BHO ensures that the oil extractions have minimal impurities, leaving only the highest quality cannabinoids. Therefore,…

  • Best marijuana substrate

    Best marijuana substrate

    One of the most common mistakes among beginner self-growers is not investing in quality substrate for their plants, even though it is essential for proper development. However, to choose the best marijuana substrate, you must know its main characteristics to understand what to look for. What is a substrate? In general terms, the substrate is…

  • White or Black Pot: which one to choose?

    White or Black Pot: which one to choose?

    Selecting the appropriate pot for growing marijuana entails considering various factors, including its color. While the decision between a white or black pot might appear trivial, it holds substantial importance in plant growth. In fact, each color harbors distinct traits that wield considerable influence over the health and progress of our plants. Factors to consider…

  • Low cost marijuana crop

    Low cost marijuana crop

    Currently, cannabis self-cultivation has become an effective alternative to avoid the high costs of the black market. Adopting a low-cost cultivation strategy is not only possible but also simple when the right tricks are known. Below is a guide with cheap cannabis seeds and the most economical products to maximize savings without sacrificing crop quality.…

  • What are cannabinoids? Uses and benefits

    What are cannabinoids? Uses and benefits

    Cannabinoids are all compounds that interact with the human body’s endocannabinoid system. Different types of cannabinoids can be found, although the most well-known are phytocannabinoids, substances found in Cannabis Sativa L. However, these are not the only ones, as our body, like that of many other animals, also produces the so-called cannabinoids. Here we will…

  • How to stake a plant  : complete guide

    How to stake a plant  : complete guide

    Staking marijuana plants is a technique that is increasingly recognized for its ability to significantly improve crop yields and quality. Proper implementation of this practice can take your growing skills to a new level, allowing you to obtain more abundant harvests and larger buds. In this article we’ll reveal how to stake a plant for…

  • Psilocybin microdose kit: learn how to use it

    Psilocybin microdose kit: learn how to use it

    Microdosing psilocybin is gaining recognition due to the benefits it can offer consumers. This process involves using small doses of dried hallucinogenic mushrooms (between 0.1 and 0.5 g) to avoid any psychotropic effects, but still obtain all of their therapeutic benefits. To do this, it’s possible to prepare them thans to the Psilocybin microdoses kit…