Tag: pH

  • The Critical Role of Water Activity

    The Critical Role of Water Activity

    When it comes to post-harvest management, the difference between water activity and moisture content might appear to be a trivial matter. But this seemingly subtle difference can have significant implications […]

  • 10 Cannabis Farming Myths Finally Dispelled

    10 Cannabis Farming Myths Finally Dispelled

    The cannabis plant has existed on this planet for thousands of years. However, due to criminalization in the United States, research into agricultural best practices has remained limited. Historically, novice […]

  • Ed Rosenthal’s Guide to Understanding Nutrients

    Ed Rosenthal’s Guide to Understanding Nutrients

    When plants cannot get the nutrients they need, they do not function properly, adversely affecting growth and yield. This can occur in any growing medium, while using any planting mix or technique — coir, rock wool, soil, soil-less, hydroponic or aeroponic. Plant disorders are characterized by their symptoms, which appear more quickly in hydroponic gardens…