Tag: Learning

  • Best Online Resources for Learning More about Cannabis

    Best Online Resources for Learning More about Cannabis

    Whether you’ve never grown cannabis before, or you’re a master grower, there’s always plenty more to learn. There are many online resources where you can find ways to improve your grow by learning from others. Searching through ads in Google search can be tedious so we’ve made this list.Discover many striving online communities discussing all…

  • Weed Plant Gender Identification

    Weed Plant Gender Identification

    For a grower, it is essential to know how to identify the gender of cannabis.

  • Early Signs Your Cannabis Plant is a Male!

    Early Signs Your Cannabis Plant is a Male!

    Cannabis plants can either turn out to be male or female during their growth cycle. In this article, we will discuss early ways to identify potential male plants and what you may do with them. An obvious way to identify male cannabis plants are the pollen sacks that develop, whereas female plants will develop flowers.…

  • Early Signs You’ve Got a Female Cannabis Plant

    Early Signs You’ve Got a Female Cannabis Plant

    For decades, cannabis growers almost always grow, for one thing, flowers! In the following article, I will discuss signs of identifying female cannabis plants as well as what you should do with your harvest of these flowers. If you are a first time grower it’s probably best to order some feminized seeds from a reputable…

  • Outdoor Weed vs Indoor Weed: Which Growing Environment is Superior?

    Outdoor Weed vs Indoor Weed: Which Growing Environment is Superior?

    “Outdoor weed” has become quite the buzzword in the cannabis community recently, and of course, you have to know what it’s all about. Are you wondering exactly what makes outdoor weed so unique and special, and why you should definitely give it a try before blindly believing the unfounded rumors that outdoor weed is always…