Tag: Cannabis History

  • Answers to All Your Burning 420 Questions

    Answers to All Your Burning 420 Questions

    From viral memes to bills in Congress, 420 has evolved from very humble origins to fully burn its way into popular culture. Initially utilized as a shorthand for cannabis itself, 420’s visual similarity to a calendar date would eventually inspire crowds to gather each April 20 in celebration of all things cannabis. Boasting a history…

  • The History of 420

    The History of 420

    Act One You can trace a line from Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady to Ken Kesey and Ken Babbs to Steve and Dave, who entered San Rafael High School in the late ’60s. They were rugged individualists uninspired by the social scene, which centered on athletics and the school’s top jocks, so they decided to…

  • Presidents’ Day: (In)hale to the Chiefs

    Presidents’ Day: (In)hale to the Chiefs

    Being the leader of the free world is a tough job. Perhaps that’s why we know that at least a handful of former US presidents have consumed cannabis. Be it before, after, or during their White House tenures, there does indeed exist a track record of commanders-in-chief partaking or otherwise advocating for aspects of cannabis…