Tag: Cannabis Education

  • How to Have a Blunt Conversation About Cannabis With Your Dad

    How to Have a Blunt Conversation About Cannabis With Your Dad

    Depending on your relationship with your dad or the father figure in your life, cannabis may or may not be a comfortable topic of discussion— especially if you factor in his personal perspective on cannabis and cannabis consumption. But cannabis entering more prominently into the discourse of the day, and with Father’s Day coming up…

  • Interview with a Home Grow Consultant

    Interview with a Home Grow Consultant

    Welcome to our latest blog post, where we delve into the fascinating world of sustainable living with a spotlight on the exceptional Home grow Consultant, Stoney McGuire. This is not just any consultant; Stoney brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for cultivating in every cultivation method and style. In today’s interview, we’ll uncover the…

  • Learn How to Grow Cannabis at Home in 2024

    Learn How to Grow Cannabis at Home in 2024

    Due to the nature of cannabis cultivation, a horticultural art form lacking mainstream adoption, the masses aren’t knowledgeable about growing. However, that doesn’t mean that millions of people don’t grow weed at home, because they do. Evidence of growing cannabis at home abounds with online cannabis cultivation forums like Overgrow, Rollitup, THC Farmer, and Grasscity.…

  • How To Increase Cannabis Production: Genetics, Environment, Recipes

    How To Increase Cannabis Production: Genetics, Environment, Recipes

    Every grower has searched for “top-yielding cannabis strains” at some point in their journey. Online seed banks typically curate a collection of the biggest yielding strains, but there is a widespread lack of consensus among them. With so much variability between growers, best-yielding strain is as much about environment as it is genetics. But how……

  • Perspectives from a Cannabis Intern: What You Should Know

    Perspectives from a Cannabis Intern: What You Should Know

    When I began my college experience 3 years ago, I had fully intended to study wildlife ecology, learning about animals and their habitats. I was determined to become a wildlife specialist and spend my days working with animals, but that all changed when I took my first ecology class. I became hooked on plants, how……

  • Diagnosing, Preventing, and Treating Cannabis Plant Problems

    Diagnosing, Preventing, and Treating Cannabis Plant Problems

    Cannabis plant problems? Diagnosing cannabis plant issues and diseases is a full-time job in a commercial setting. And whether it’s wilting leaves or powdery residue, the faster the issue is diagnosed, the less risk it is to production and profitability. Of the dozens of diseases and problems you could encounter in the grow room, we……

  • Cannabis Lighting Schedule Explained

    Cannabis Lighting Schedule Explained

    How Light Affects Cannabis Cannabis, like all plants, transforms light, water, and CO2 into energy through photosynthesis. While the photosynthetic process only happens during daylight hours, that doesn’t mean all biological processes go idle once the lights turn off. Your cannabis plants need a period of darkness to use carbohydrate energy stores that were tucked……

  • Best Weed Grinders

    Best Weed Grinders

    If you’re searching online for a durable weed grinder, then you should know that they are extremely hard to find. So, I’ve put together this list of quality weed grinders to make it easier. Personally, I’ve bought so many poorly made ones over the years that it makes my head spin thinking about it. I’d…