Category: HERBCEO

  • Early Signs Your Cannabis Plant is a Male!

    Early Signs Your Cannabis Plant is a Male!

    Cannabis plants can either turn out to be male or female during their growth cycle. In this article, we will discuss early ways to identify potential male plants and what you may do with them. An obvious way to identify male cannabis plants are the pollen sacks that develop, whereas female plants will develop flowers.…

  • Early Signs You’ve Got a Female Cannabis Plant

    Early Signs You’ve Got a Female Cannabis Plant

    For decades, cannabis growers almost always grow, for one thing, flowers! In the following article, I will discuss signs of identifying female cannabis plants as well as what you should do with your harvest of these flowers. If you are a first time grower it’s probably best to order some feminized seeds from a reputable…

  • The Art of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation: Business 101

    The Art of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation: Business 101

    It goes without saying that cannabis cultivation is a lucrative market in today’s world. If you’re considering breaking into it yourself, the first thing you need to remember about the cannabis cultivation business is that it is a business; there’s a lot more that goes into it than just growing cannabis. There are countless considerations…

  • The Carhartt of Grow Lights: Mars Hydro TS-1000 Review

    The Carhartt of Grow Lights: Mars Hydro TS-1000 Review

    Artificial lighting has revolutionized the agricultural industry, as it allow cultivators to grow their crops indoors. Advances in technology have given rise to cutting-edge, high efficiency light fixtures with LED bulbs, giving indoor plant growers endless opportunities to take control of their crops. There are several manufacturers that produce state-of-the-art light fixtures, and Mars Hydro…

  • The Best LED Grow Lights for Growing Cannabis Indoors

    The Best LED Grow Lights for Growing Cannabis Indoors

    If you’ve recently decided to try your hand at indoor cannabis farming, setting yourself up for success is imperative; after all, you want to produce the highest quality yields as you possibly can. In order to achieve that goal, investing in the right tools and equipment is an absolute must.  While there are several supplies…

  • The Best Grow Tent Heaters of 2023 For Healthy Plants

    The Best Grow Tent Heaters of 2023 For Healthy Plants

    If you’re thinking about trying your hand at cannabis gardening – whether the finished product will be for your own consumption or if you’d like to use it to try and start a business – when it comes to growing, you have two options: you can grow outdoors or indoors. While most novice cannabis farmers…

  • The Best 5×5 Grow Tent for Compact Home Growing

    The Best 5×5 Grow Tent for Compact Home Growing

    Growing weed can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be quite challenging. There are so many factors that need to be considered, and it’s absolutely essential that the right conditions are met. While growing outdoors might seem like the natural choice, if you live in a climate that isn’t conducive for cannabis plants,…

  • Outdoor Weed vs Indoor Weed: Which Growing Environment is Superior?

    Outdoor Weed vs Indoor Weed: Which Growing Environment is Superior?

    “Outdoor weed” has become quite the buzzword in the cannabis community recently, and of course, you have to know what it’s all about. Are you wondering exactly what makes outdoor weed so unique and special, and why you should definitely give it a try before blindly believing the unfounded rumors that outdoor weed is always…

  • What is the Sea of Green Method and Why You Should Try It

    What is the Sea of Green Method and Why You Should Try It

    When it comes to cultivating your own weed, you want to make sure that the methods you’re using are as efficient as possible. This is especially true if you’re growing indoors, where space is limited, but it’s the case if you have ample room to spread out in a greenhouse or a garden. With that…

  • Super Soil Recipe For Growing Amazing Cannabis

    Super Soil Recipe For Growing Amazing Cannabis

    Are you a cannabis advocate? If so, you might be thinking about cultivating it yourself. Whether you intend on using it for your own medicinal or recreational use or to sell to others via a 420 business that you’re intending on launching, if you’re planning on growing your own weed, there’s no doubt that you…